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Oracle connector for pivot tables, charts

Oracle Database is supported by SQL data source via official Oracle client.

SeekTable bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users: it provides a user-friendly interface for non-technical users to explore Oracle data visually, while offering advanced SQL capabilities for data architects to construct complex data cubes.

Note that SeekTable is not a replacement for enterprise Oracle BI: it is more a complementary BI tool that adds modern self-service capabilties to the existing BI infrastructure.

Looking for a web pivot table component?
SeekTable's reporting engine PivotData microservice can be seamlessly integrated into any web application for pivot tables generation by Oracle data.

How to configure Oracle cube

  1. Click the "Connect to Database" to open a new data cube configuration form.
  2. Choose Data Source Type: SQL-compatible database (this opens SQL Settings section).
  3. Choose Database Connector: Oracle
    Oracle connector setup
  4. Connection String should be a valid connection string for official .NET Oracle Data Provider. For example:
    Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=hostName)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=serviceName)));User Id=user;Password=password;Validate Connection=true;
    HOST Specifies the host name of the machine on which the Oracle Database is running.
    Do not use "localhost" or LAN server name; use only public IP address or server's domain name.
    SERVICE_NAME specifies the name of the database service.
    User Id Oracle user name. It is recommended to create special user with read-only rights.
    Password Password for the user specified by User Id.
    Validate Connection Add Validate Connection=True; to prevent ORA-12570: Network Session: Unexpected packet read error errors that may occur from time to time (this may happen if Oracle server closes 'idle' connections too fast).
    Max Pool Size Default value is 100. If your Oracle DB server is configured to allow rather limited number of opened connections it makes sense to decrease this value.
  5. Configure other required settings as described in SQL-compatible data source. As a minimum you need to specify Select Query (which determine's the dataset) and keep Infer dimensions and measures by dataset checked.

Date-part dimensions calculated with SQL expressions

To define date-part dimensions (date's "year", "month", "day" etc) you may add dimensions defined with an appropriate SQL expression:

  1. add new dimension with Type=Field
  2. fill Name with some unique value: say, "date_column_year"
  3. add one Parameter which should be a date-part Oracle SQL expression:
    • For year: EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date_column)
    • For month: EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date_column) + Format={0:MMM} (Jan, Feb etc) or {0:MMMM} (January, February etc)
    • For day: EXTRACT(DAY FROM date_column)
    • For day-of-week: EXTRACT(date_column, DAY_OF_WEEK)-1 + Format={0:ddd} (0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue etc) or {0:dddd} (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc)
    • For quarter: EXTRACT(date_column, QUARTER)
    • For week-of-year: EXTRACT(date_column, WEEK)


ORA-01843: not a valid month
This error may occur when your base SQL query (specified in cube's "Select Query") contains date constants in format that is not recognized by Oracle. To fix this you can use TO_DATE function with explicitely defined format:
DATE_COLUMN > TO_DATE('23/04/23','MM/DD/YY');
ORA-12570: Network Session: Unexpected packet read error
Add Validate Connection=True; to cube's "Connection String".
ORA-01882: timezone region not found
If you use a self-hosted SeekTable version please ensure that your installation uses the latest docker images. If problem persists please contact SeekTable support.
Oracle Communication: Failed to connect to server or failed to parse connect string
Ensure that your Oracle DB server can be accessed by SeekTable app. If this error occurs after suddenly (in seektable/pivotdataservice logs you might find "ORA-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack" or "ORA-12520 TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server") it may indicate that the number of connections reached the limit.
To fix this you can either configure Oracle server to allow more concurrent connections (if this number is too small), or decrease the max number of connections that SeekTable can use (see Max Pool Size connection string option).