With built-in ElasticSearch connector SeekTable can use your indexes as a data source for data exploration and reports generation. SeekTable works with ElasticSearch as with an OLAP (live) data source: ES queries are generated automatically, no need to write Elastic Query DSL by hands. This also means that reports - pivot tables/charts/datagrids - always display actual data loaded from ES indexes in the real-time. SeekTable often used in addition to Kibana/Grafana for:
There is no limitations on the ElasticSearch index size and reports generation performance primarily depends on the power of your ElasticSearch cluster.
or use wildcards like logs-2018-*
.timestamp >= "2018-10-20":datetime
"field_name":field <condition> "value"[:datatype]
, <=
, >
, >=
, =
, !=
, like
, in
'Like' works like in SQL: use '%' to specify starts-width/ends-with/contains match.
When 'like' is used with a report parameter '%' can be added automatically with help of parameter's Expression."param_name":var
, int32
, int64
, decimal
, double
, datetime
C1 and C2
, C1 or C2
, C1 or (C2 and C3)
If everything is fine you should see a new cube dashboard with the list of available dimensions/measures.
In case of connection error you'll see an orange box with the error message; don't forget to ensure that ElasticSearch API can be accessed by SeekTable server and it is not blocked by firewall.
If you specified "Infer dimensions and measures" option and get a cube with no dimensions most likely you've specified non-existing mapping type in "Doc Type".
: dimension value is resolved from ES query result: a document field, script field (when script code is provided in "Parameters") or bucket aggregation definition (when bucket aggregation JSON is provided in "Parameters").Expression
: dimension is defined as calculated field with custom formula that uses another dimensions as arguments (formula and arguments should be specified in "Parameters").
this is document or sub-document field specifier.{0}
can be used).
prefix {0} suffix
→ append custom prefix and/or suffix{0:yyyy-MM-dd}
→ format date (or timestamp) as 2017-05-25{0:MMM}
→ format month number (1-12) as a short month name (Jan, Feb etc){0:MMMM}
→ format month number (1-12) as a full month name (January, February etc){0:ddd}
→ format day-of-week number (0-6) as a short day-of-week name (0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue etc){0:dddd}
→ format day-of-week number (0-6) as a full day-of-week name (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc)Field
(doc["registered"].empty ? null : doc["registered"].date.year)(extracts year value from "registered" date field). Second parameter is optional and declares data type of the script result: "string" or "number" (this affects sorting by this dimension).
{ "histogram": {"field":"age","interval":5} }
: you can specify formula expression (1-st parameter) and dimension names for the arguments (2-nd, 3-rd etc parameter).
To define date-part dimensions (date's "year", "month", "day" etc) you may add dimensions defined with an appropriate ES expression (painless):
(doc["date_field"].empty ? null : doc["date_field"].value.year)
(doc["date_field"].empty ? null : doc["date_field"].value.monthOfYear)
+ Format={0:MMM}
(Jan, Feb etc) or {0:MMMM} (January, February etc)
(doc["date_field"].empty ? null : doc["date_field"].value.dayOfMonth)
(doc["date_field"].empty ? null : doc["date_field"].value.dayOfWeek)
+ Format={0:ddd}
(0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tue etc) or {0:dddd}
(0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday etc)number
: the number of aggregated documents.Sum
: the total sum of a numeric field.Average
: the average value of a numeric field.Min
: the minimal value of a column.Max
: the maximum value of a column.FirstValue
: custom ES aggregate type definition.Expression
: measure is defined as a calculated field.Count
: no parameters needed.Sum
: document field or field path to aggregate.FirstValue
{ "extended_stats": {"field":"balance"} }
: first parameter is a formula expression, and next parameters are names of measures used as arguments in the expression.
can be used).
→ format number as $10.25 (or empty if no value){0:0,.0#}k
→ show number in thousands with "k" suffix{0:0.#|k}
→ if number>1000 shorten it with "k" suffix{0:0,,.0#}M
→ show number in millions with "M" suffix{0:0.#|M}
→ if number>1000000 shorten it with "M" suffix{0:0.#|kMB}
→ shorten large number with appropriate "k"/"M"/"B" suffixNote: totals/sub-totals will be empty for FirstValue
Report parameter allows you to specify some filtering condition in ES query by user-entered value. Typical usage of report parameters:
: text-based value.Int32
: 32-bit integer (max value is 2,147,483,647).Int64
: 64-bit integer (max value is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807).Decimal
: Fixed-point number with max 28 significant digits. Decimal point is '.' character.DateTime
: datetime or date value (in this case datetime value has 0:00:00 time). Date value should be specified as string in YYYY-MM-DD format.Boolean
: accepts only 'True' or 'False' value.Parameter["param_name"]
.When parameter is defined it can be used in Filter Expression as following:
"1"="1" @paramName[ and name.keyword="{0}":var ]
Parameter placeholder syntax:
[ ]
In this sample parameter name is paramName
and ElasticSearch document field to filter is name.keyword
If your index contains multi-value field like this:
{ "categories" : ["A", "B"] }
and you want to display this array as a 'joined' string value this is possible by adding a dimension evaluated with "painless" script expression:
Now "categories_joined" dimension can be used both in pivot-table and flat-table reports to display array values, i.e. A, B
] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory. Alternatively use a keyword field instead.
This error appears when you try to aggregate by text field and your ElasticSearch index doesn't have original values for this field.
In most cases you can use .keyword
suffix and enable unindexed values for aggregation as described in
official ElasticSearch documentation.
This error happens when ElasticSearch cannot evaluate calculated field defined with painless expression.
Typical case is when date values are stored as strings in format that is not recognized as
'Date' datatype
by ElasticSearch
and as result expression that takes part of the date (like doc["timespamp_field"].date.dayOfMonth
) fails.
To fix this you need to define a mapping for this field that declares Date datatype and formats to match (if needed).
\"" }): ElasticSearch query
You may get an error like this ('caused_by' may be a bit different) with flat table report type and when you specify
a keyword to filter without field name hint: in this case SeekTable produces OR condition for all fields selected as columns,
and one of them is not comparable with the specified keyword value.
Workaround: specify a hint for the keyword in the filter, for example: name:John
This may happen when you selected high-cardinality field in the pivot table report. To fix this you can use report parameter(s) to apply some filtering condition in ElasticSearch query. If you need to get more than 10k unique values in the pivot table you'll need to change [search.max_buckets] option in your cluster level setting.